Overview | Hokkaido Marathon 2025

Days Hours : Minutes : Seconds

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*All hours are based on JST.

Event Name

Hokkaido Marathon 2025
・Marathon Grand Championship (MGC) Series 2025-26 (G2)

Host Organizations

Organizing Committee for Hokkaido Marathon 2025

Hokkaido Amateur Athletic Association, The Hokkaido Shimbun Press, Hokkaido Cultural Broadcasting Co. Ltd. (UHB TV), FM Hokkaido Broadcasting Co., Ltd. (AIR-G’), Hokkaido Government, City of Sapporo, Hokkaido Sport Association, Sapporo Sport Association, Hokkaido Association of City Mayors, Hokkaido Association of Towns and Villages, Federation of Hokkaido Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Sapporo Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Hokkaido Economic Federation, Hokkaido Committee For Economic Development, Hokkaido Tourism Organization, Sapporo Tourist Association, Hokkaido Medical Association, Hokkaido Association for Acute Medicine, Hokkaido Nursing Association, Hokkaido Physical Therapy Association, NPO Runners Support Hokkaido

Supporting Organizations

Japan Association of Athletics Federations, Japan Blind Marathon Association


Hokkaido Amateur Athletic Association, Sapporo Amateur Athletic Association


Hokkaido University, Fuji Women’s University


August 31, 2025 (Sun.); starting time: 8:30 (First wave: 8:30; Second wave: 8:45)


Full marathon (42.195 km)


2025 World Athletics and Japan Association of Athletics Federation (JAAF) rules, World Para Athletics Championships (WPA) rules, and Hokkaido Marathon rules will apply. Doping tests will be conducted with the WA rules.


Men, Women, Visually Impaired Men, Visually Impaired Women, Open Division

◆ Open Division
・The Open Division is intended for those who do not wish to be ranked for the race or defined by gender or age.
*Registration as a RUNNET member (free of charge) is required to enter in this division, and gender and age must be entered at the time of registration.

Entry Fee

Domestic 16,500 yen, Overseas 22,000 yen
*Charity 200 yen included.
*Tax included.
*A separate entry service charge applies (different for domestic and overseas participants).


People who are at least 19 years old on the event day (excluding high school students) and capable of completing the full marathon within 6 hours




Odori Nishi 4-chome (Sapporo Ekimae-dori) – Susukino (same) – Hosui dori – Horohirabashi – Nakanoshima dori – Shiroishi-Moiwa dori – Hiragishi dori – Souseigawa dori (partly inside the tunnel) – Miyanomori-Kita 24-jo dori – Shinkawa dori – Kotoni-Sakaemachi dori – Shinkotoni 2-jo dori – Nishino-Tonden dori – Shinkawa dori (turn around) – Hokkaido University – Hokkaido Prefectural Government Red Brick Building (front yard) – Sapporo Ekimae dori – Odori Nishi 4-chome (Sapporo Ekimae-dori)

  • This course is certified by the JAAF, AIMS and World Athletics.

Video introduction of the course and overall course map are available below.


Starting Blocks

● Participants will be divided into blocks in the order listed below, regardless of whether runners are registered with the Japan Association of Athletics Federations or are general runners.

  1. Invited or elite runners, athletes chosen for special training by the Japan Blind Marathon Association
  2. General runners who have an actual record of 3 h 30 min. 00 sec. or faster
  3. General runners in the order of anticipated time from fastest to slowest

Request for general runners with the record within 3 hours, 30 minutes, and 00 seconds.
[Please submit a copy of your “Record Certificate (net time acceptable)” from a domestic or international full marathon event held within the valid period. (This is unnecessary if you submit your record for Hokkaido Marathon 2022 or 2023 or 2024.).

  • The valid period of records is between January 1, 2021 and March 31, 2025.
  • Runners who have not submitted completion certificates by the deadline will be divided into blocks according to their personal anticipated time.
  • Entrants from overseas do not have to submit a Record Certificate (it may be checked if necessary).

Check points *Time limits are set based on the start of the second wave (8:45).

Cut-off point Closing time Time limit
1.2 km 9:05 20 min
5 km 09:35 50 min
10 km 10:15 1 h 30 min
15 km 10:55 2 h 10 min
20 km 11:35 2 h 50 min
25 km 12:15 3 h 30 min
29.8 km 12:55 4 h 10 min
35 km 13:35 4 h 50 min
40 km 14:20 5 h 35 min
41.5 km
(North Gate of the Former Hokkaido Government Office Building)
14:35 5 h 50 min
Finish 14:45 6 h 00 min

Course Facilities (including start/finish points)

Point Water Sports
Sponges Food Toilets
19 11 4 4 32
Maeda Forest Park
  • The schedule is subject to change.
  • Special drinks will be prepared for invited and corporate team runners and athletes chosen for special training by the Japan Blind Marathon Association and provided at a total of 8 points every 5 km.


◆ Entries for the travel plan with the right to run are accepted from February 28 (Fri.) at 12:00 (on a first-come, first-served basis).

*Domestic residents only

◆ General entries will be accepted from March 30 (Sun.) at 18:00 (on a first-come, first-served basis).

  • Please download the official Hokkaido Marathon app. (This site is only available in Japanese.)
  • Online entry applications (including for the Visually Impaired Division) will be accepted from April 1 (Tue.) at 18:00 via the official marathon website.
  • Runners from overseas cannot apply through the official Hokkaido Marathon app.
  • Entry requires RUNNET membership registration (free of charge).
  • Overseas residents should apply through the official travel agency’s website or Run Japan.

Click here for entry information


Odori Park 8-chome

August 29 (Fri.) 13:00 to 20:00
August 30 (Sat.) 10:00 to 20:00

  1. There will be no acceptance on the day of the tournament. Only on the above date and time. Please be careful if you are coming from far away.
  2. Proxy registration is allowed if the proxy presents the participant’s 2D registration code (a screenshot is acceptable)

Participation Prizes


Completion Prizes

  1. Completion Medal
  2. Finisher’s Towel
  • Completion certificates will not be handed out on the day of the event. A preliminary certificate will be available after finishing, and the final version can be downloaded at a later date.
  • Escort runners for visually impaired participants will also receive these prizes.


[Race Day]

The following winners will be commended on the race day:
Men’s and Women’s races: the first- to eighth-placed runners Visually Impaired Men’s and Women’s races: the first- to third-placed runners registered with the WPA

[Later Date]

The following winners will receive a certificate of commendation at a later date:
Men’s and Women’s races: the first- to third-placed runners in each age group (24 years or younger, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, and 75 years or older)
Visually Impaired Men’s and Women’s races: the first- to third-placed runners not registered with the WPA

  • The names and times of the following runners will be published in the Hokkaido Shimbun newspaper the day after the races: the top 100 runners in the Men’s and Women’s races, the top 50 runners in each age-group category of the Men’s and Women’s races, and the top 10 runners in the Visually Impaired Men’s and Women’s races.
  • Gross time will be used to determine overall rankings and net time for age group rankings.

Entry Guidelines

  1. Once the entry fee has been received and the entry is confirmed, the applicant is deemed to have accepted and agreed to these guidelines.
  2. Cancellation for personal reasons shall not be accepted once the application has been submitted.
  3. Entry by a person other than the applicant (substitute runner) is strictly prohibited. If such a case is discovered, the entry will be canceled. Additionally, if a false declaration regarding age, gender, or any other details is found, the entry will also be canceled. If a participant engages in behavior that significantly interferes with event preparation or operation, the organizer may cancel their entry. In such cases, the entry fee will not be refunded.
  4. If the event is canceled due to force majeure (e.g., natural disasters, war, incidents, accidents, epidemics, etc.), refunds will be made according to the following percentages:
    From the day of payment until June 30 = 50%
    From July 1 until July 31 (one month before the event) = 20%
    From August 1 until August 31 (the day of the race) = 0%
    If the event is canceled due to extreme heat (equivalent to a Wet Bulb Globe Temperature [WBGT] of 28°C or higher), the entry fee will not be refunded because the decision will only be made immediately before or on the day of the race. The final decision will be based on WBGT predictions posted on the Ministry of the Environment’s website. Depending on conditions, immediately before the race starts, additional checkpoints may be set and checkpoint closing times may be moved earlier.
  5. The organizer shall not be responsible for any illness or injury beyond providing first aid, except in cases of the organizer’s intentional or gross negligence.
  6. Participants must adhere to the Instructions for the Race as specified by the organizer. If the organizer determines that circumstances prevent the safe continuation of the race, they may advise participants to discontinue the race. Additionally, if misconduct, such as taking shortcuts during the race, is discovered, measures will be taken to disqualify the participant from future events.
  7. Participants shall agree that personal information, such as their name, age, gender, and place of residence (names of countries, prefectures and other administrative entities; names of cities, towns and villages), past records, and portraits may be used in the marathon’s promotional materials, such as videos, photographs, articles, and race data published via such media as newspapers, TV programs (including commercials), magazines, the internet, and pamphlets. Participants shall also agree that the publishing rights to such information belong to the organizer and shall not exercise their portrait rights.
  8. The organizer recognizes the importance of personal information, observes the Personal Information Protection Act and related regulations, and handles the personal information obtained from participants (including data provided at the time of entry) based on its privacy policy. To ensure the smooth operation of this event, personal information is used to provide entry information, inform runners of race records and related data, notify the runners about the next Hokkaido Marathon, announce records, provide first-aid treatment, and cooperate with medical institutions. Furthermore, it may also be shared with third parties such as the Japan Association of Athletics Federations, and partner companies of this event. The information may also be used by the organizer or disclosed to the event’s partner companies and cooperating organizations to provide information about and offer services, products, and the like offered by the organizer, sponsors, partner companies, and cooperating organizations. It may also be used by the organizer or contractors to confirm participants’ entry details.


Premier partners

Gold partners

Official drink partner

Official travel agency


Official vehicle partner