Participation guide | 【公式】北海道マラソン2025

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Participation guide

Hokkaido Marathon would like to inform you about new topics.
There will be no mailing service this year, so please be sure to check the following topics.

1) Email about Bib number exchange card (RUNPASSPORT) (July 28th)
You will receive an email about “Bib number exchange card (RUN PASSPORT)” for check-in.
Please be sure that you have received the email to redeem your bib number.

※※Those who did not receive the email ※※
Please click the website below, and enter “your email address” and “your birth date”.

2)Participation guide [July 28th]
Please check all information on Participation guide in English.
You will find important information regarding check-in, course map, and race rules, etc.

3)Recruitment for “Medical support runner” starts [Until August 7th]
We are looking for “Medical support runner” who will provide first-aid to runners during the race. ※Only residents of Japan.

For details.
※Deadline:August 7th (Mon.)